The Books the Raised Me
A picture book is a treasure. It’s the beginning of a lifelong relationship that only gets better with age. As I sat down to contemplate which 20 of the many picture books impacted my upbringing, I was confronted with the agony of choosing. In the end, for the purposes of this blog, there was no rhyme or reason to my selection of these 20 books, as I couldn’t rightfully decide. I just had to go with my gut, letting you in on the childhood of an American kid who grew up in New York City in the early '90s.
Unlocking Your Purpose by Listening to Your Inner Child
I never set out to become a writer, but I certainly set out to become something creative. Inspired by the mesmerizing worlds of 1990s children’s cinema, I became enchanted by the possibilities of storytelling. I vividly remember wearing out my VHS copy of Disney’s “The Lion King,” realizing one solid truth: I was meant to be a cartoon.
Breaking Free: Embracing Imperfection and Unleashing Your Creative Genius
Let's get real: perfection is nothing more than a mirage shimmering in the distance. No matter how much we strive for it, we'll forever be chasing an unattainable dream.
A Mindful Approach to Writing for Children
When it comes to writing for children, writers can sometimes find themselves stuck when trying to tap into the "child mind." They often wonder what to write to engage a young audience and how to effectively adopt their perspective. However, the truth is that if you are writing for children, you have never truly forgotten the child experience.
The Theta Brain for Peak Writing Performance: Capturing Your Dreams…Literally
Every person, no matter how old they are, has had that "aha" moment before dozing off. It’s a clear moment in our daily lives when the brain disengages from the rigorous flow of busy activity and routine. When the prefrontal cortex slows down (an area of the brain which includes areas of logic and reason). This is a time when the brain makes space for ideas to flow without judgment, intuition takes over, and creative sparks fly. This is the Theta brainwave state.
Get Comfortable with Solitude: Advice for Writers
As writers, I guess you could say that we’re idea people. However, the distractions of everyday life can easily bog us down. But we’ve got to show up and kick those distractions in the butt. And a key way to do just that is by getting comfortable with solitude.
How Studying Theater Improved My Writing
As a children's author, it's crucial for me to develop characters that are interesting, engaging, and relatable to young readers. Drawing on skills learned in the theater helps me infuse an atmosphere of fun and play into the process - another essential quality for children’s stories.
Meditation for Writers and How it Impacts the Brain
Meditation has transformed my life on every level, from my personal to my professional life. As writers, creativity is inherent in our work. We need our brain's cognitive functions to work effectively to do our job well. This is where meditation has helped me tremendously, as without it, I would honestly lose my mind when striving to come up with story after story.