Breaking Free: Embracing Imperfection and Unleashing Your Creative Genius
Let's get real: perfection is nothing more than a mirage shimmering in the distance. No matter how much we strive for it, we'll forever be chasing an unattainable dream.

The Theta Brain for Peak Writing Performance: Capturing Your Dreams…Literally
Every person, no matter how old they are, has had that "aha" moment before dozing off. It’s a clear moment in our daily lives when the brain disengages from the rigorous flow of busy activity and routine. When the prefrontal cortex slows down (an area of the brain which includes areas of logic and reason). This is a time when the brain makes space for ideas to flow without judgment, intuition takes over, and creative sparks fly. This is the Theta brainwave state.

Get Comfortable with Solitude: Advice for Writers
As writers, I guess you could say that we’re idea people. However, the distractions of everyday life can easily bog us down. But we’ve got to show up and kick those distractions in the butt. And a key way to do just that is by getting comfortable with solitude.

Life Lessons We Can Learn from Kids to Become Better Adults
One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to aspiring authors is that your work has to be something you love because you'll be working at it pretty much all of the time. Fortunately, I love what I do because I learn something new about it every day, which keeps things interesting. And my biggest teachers are the kids.

The Ageless Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is ageless. It’s the practice of stepping back and observing the moment without judgement. Maybe that sounds simple…too simple.
Read on to see how this simple practice can make an enormous impact.

How to Publish a Book
“I have a great idea for a book!” Have you ever thought that to yourself? There’s an old saying: Everyone has a book in them. So how do we get that book out? Well, you could say it starts with writing it down, but how do we get that book into the hands of people around the world?

Where Did Yoga Come From?
There was a moment lost to time and space—a moment of inspiration—and that inspiration gave birth to what we call yoga. When that happened, how that happened…nobody precisely knows.