The Art of Self Editing: Making Space for Better Ideas
When you find yourself stuck in a rut, that’s your signal to shift. Trust your gut—it’s trying to tell you something: this isn’t working—do something else.

Breaking Free: Embracing Imperfection and Unleashing Your Creative Genius
Let's get real: perfection is nothing more than a mirage shimmering in the distance. No matter how much we strive for it, we'll forever be chasing an unattainable dream.

The Theta Brain for Peak Writing Performance: Capturing Your Dreams…Literally
Every person, no matter how old they are, has had that "aha" moment before dozing off. It’s a clear moment in our daily lives when the brain disengages from the rigorous flow of busy activity and routine. When the prefrontal cortex slows down (an area of the brain which includes areas of logic and reason). This is a time when the brain makes space for ideas to flow without judgment, intuition takes over, and creative sparks fly. This is the Theta brainwave state.

Get Comfortable with Solitude: Advice for Writers
As writers, I guess you could say that we’re idea people. However, the distractions of everyday life can easily bog us down. But we’ve got to show up and kick those distractions in the butt. And a key way to do just that is by getting comfortable with solitude.

How Studying Theater Improved My Writing
As a children's author, it's crucial for me to develop characters that are interesting, engaging, and relatable to young readers. Drawing on skills learned in the theater helps me infuse an atmosphere of fun and play into the process - another essential quality for children’s stories.

5 Tips for Writing a Children's Book: Get Started with These Strategies
Writing for kids is a weird and wonderful journey. You've got to dive right into the deep end of that rainbow-sprinkled, slime-filled, squiggle-shaped pool of imagination. Writing for kids can feel like hours of fun-filled character creation, but it can also be daunting if you don't plan ahead.

How Children’s Literature Influences Us: Reflections from a Children’s Author
I don't think I ever grew up. Wait - scratch that: I never grew up. I'm basically a kid in high heels, and I love it. I mean, why would I want to ignore that side of myself? Besides keeping me young, there's a slight sophistication to embracing one's childlike wonder. It makes me do the most foolish thing: enjoy life.