Ayurvedic Strategies to Kickstart Your Writing Routine
As writers, we know that there's no "one size fits all" approach to getting the job done. There’s just the idea in our head and the blank page in front of us. However, over the centuries, various tools and techniques have been developed, tested, and refined by writers who have experimented with what works and what doesn't.

The Ageless Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is ageless. It’s the practice of stepping back and observing the moment without judgement. Maybe that sounds simple…too simple.
Read on to see how this simple practice can make an enormous impact.

5 Yoga Myth-Busters
As a new student of yoga it’s easy to be suspicious of the practice. Here are a couple of things that were on my mind before I dipped my toe into the yoga lagoon, and what I learned after years of practice…

Where Did Yoga Come From?
There was a moment lost to time and space—a moment of inspiration—and that inspiration gave birth to what we call yoga. When that happened, how that happened…nobody precisely knows.