Universe Jar DIY
There’s a word you might have heard of. In fact it’s such great word that I couldn’t wait to share it with you!
That word is Manifestation
A manifestation is when a thought becomes a thing. So how do we do that? How on earth do we manifest our dreams?
Well, I have a DIY project that will help. It’s simple really. It all begins with our imagination. All you have to do is settle yourself down and think about one thing you want to manifest. In other words, think of a thought you want to become a thing.
Just one for now. It’s best to take these things one at a time.
Finally, we need supplies. We’ll need a clean Recycled Jar, a handful of Colorful Confetti, a few colorful glitter pens, a fun song that makes you want to dance, and finally an open heart full of love.
Once you have your supplies, follow these steps and away we go!
Take your jar and decorate your Universe with your glitter pens.
Let it dry over night.
Once it’s dry, place your confetti in your hands and think of the thing you want to manifest. Close your eyes and concentrate for 17 seconds—to the point where you feel that what you want is something you already have.
Let it go! Place your confetti into the Universe Jar and close the lid.
Play your favorite dance song and shake your Universe Jar as you dance all around!
Put your Universe Jar somewhere special and give it an extra dose of gratitude by saying thank you, because every time you look at your jar— that’s your cue to feel incredible joy. So when you see your Universe Jar, play your song and dance with your Universe until you can’t stop smiling.
Relax. Relax. Relax. Know that your manifestation is on its way. Don’t try to force it or squeeze it. Just let it be.
Keep on dancing, keep on smiling, and keep opening that gorgeous heart. After all, it’s exciting to know your manifestation is getting closer!